Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Letter 2010

Welcome to the D List of Christmas letters where I steal all the best jokes from reruns of According to Jim and awkwardly shoehorning them into things I dimly recall the family doing in the last dozen months. I do recall angrily haranguing the rest of the family around August to do something funny for Christmas letter, but I was routinely ignored. They’ll remember this when you stop reading here and pick up the guy with the weather balloon’s letter. Since I’m typing this while watching “Jeopardy” and making snarky comments on the contestants, let’s organize this year based on Jeopardy categories.

Rock and Roll Stars

About as unlikely as a snowfall in Wilmington was my being cast in my first musical, “Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story.” It was about Buddy Holly (hence the name). I played the DJ in Texas who first discovered him. While I didn’t have a solo,(no sense in standing up the lead), I did participate in the chorus. Unfortunately my microphone was missing (for nine straight shows, what are the odds?) so you might not have gotten the full effect.

Billboard’s Top 100

Ella had an act in her school’s talent show singing Taylor Swift's “You Belong to Me.” The “Swiftets” were a big hit. I fully expect the song to get unstuck from my head by next year’s letter. Gavin attended every rehearsal but of course he wasn’t in the show. He knows the real money is in management.

However, he did decide to join Ella as talent in the church choir. I’m not sure what number rule of live performance is, but I’m pretty sure don’t do a double nose pick during your song is in the top ten.

Having a “Ball” (“Ball” is in quotations)

Gavin again was kicking the soccer ball around at the Y this year. His team this year was the “Railhawks” which I suppose are buddies with UNCW “Seahawks” and Dr. Dolittle’s “Push-Me-Pull-Me” on the Island of Made Up Animals. They actually played games this year but only the parents kept score. Gavin did pretty well, but he felt the need to apologize to the ball before he kicked it and a lot of times somebody kicked it away by the time he was done.

Meanwhile, Ella had more Tennis lessons. The park has expanded their courts so we have plenty of room to spray tennis balls all over. Gavin has fun running after the balls and picking them up for me when we practice. From Railhawk to Ballhawk. Ella then decided to use those balls in her science project. She tested cold, room temperature and hot balls to see which would bounce higher. As the lab tech, I just got to run the slow motion camera. She got to do all the fun stuff and dropping the balls through our testing tube.

Julie played no sports but did win a pretty big NCAA basketball pool. Amazing how she doesn’t know a Wildcat from a Bearcat but put money on the outcome and she becomes Jay Bilas.

The family all joined me for a Carolina football game in Chapel Hill this year against Clempson. Gavin really got into it and despite on insistent shoosing from the ABC branch of the family insisted on chanting “Orange is Ugly” throughout town.

Southern Cities

Julie and I took a trip to Hotlanta around Labor Day. One night we took in a Braves game. Our seats were so good, (first row behind the dugout) that Julie was forced to pay attention to the game, otherwise a line drive foul could have taken her head off. She did get to socialize with the usher who had to keep telling her that the dugout roof was not her bar table. Of course they were best friends by the end of the game. That’s how she rolls. Then on Saturday we went to the North Carolina v. LSU football game in the Georgia Dome. Not too hot, not too cold. It didn’t seem like a real football game without some kind of physical discomfort.

Mediterranean Countries

We got invited to take a trip to Italy this year. It started as a family trip, but by the time the flight got off the ground it wound up being just Julie and a girlfriend. The kids and I stayed home. Being gone for two weeks in late October, unfortunately (both for her and the aesthetics of the neighborhood) meant that she didn’t get input into the new Halloween decorations. When you have a four year old telling you that you have enough tacky decorations, I say: Mission Accomplished! Meanwhile, across the pond, Julie was having a great time touring Rome and Tuscany, eating great Italian food (or as they call it “food”) and drinking great wine (or as they call it “wine”). She wandered by the Vatican and had Sunday service with the Pope as he canonized a couple of saints. She thought she might put her name in for consideration but found out being married to me was not one of the officially sanctioned paths to sainthood.

Potent Potables

The family did take a trip to Virginia and Busch Gardens and Water Country USA in July. We got soaking wet on the log ride, and that was at Busch Gardens. Between the water, the giant family air dryer and the later bout of motion sickness, we had fun. The beer in the Oktoberfest tent saved me.

Al Gore

Once again climatologists scratched their heads and local weathermen blew off the dust from the snowflake graphic as we got a few inches of snow this year. After a few blocks hike, we found what passes for a hill in Wilmington and Gavin and Ella got to sled down a few times on an old beach raft, and destroy some local landscaping.


This is the part of the letter in which I tell you what the cat has been doing. Usually it is just eating and sleeping and the occasional…reverse eating. This year it was much the same although her timing was off a bit, with a week or two of refusing to eat, (spending a week at Spa Vet) followed by constant meowing for food. You know how they say animals are smart when they know what time it is and know when its time to eat? That’s not this cat. She is just smart enough to hang out by the food bowl all day and annoy anyone who happens to walk by.

Final Jeopardy

We are sticking the Christmas letter online in a special blogsite that will be up just as soon as Julie reviews every background on the Internet. How many can there be? Once her fingers get numb from typing, you can see this letter (and earlier much funnier year's letters) at

Sign up and get the update for next year!

Happy Holidays Everybody!

Christmas Letter 2009

2009 Christmas letter

Welcome to our same old Christmas letter bold new experiment in social media. Consider this just like Facebook, only with one status update per year and “printed” on what the ancients called “paper.”

This year the Letter has an official soundtrack, so at the appropriate points, please download the referenced song from Itunes before continuing to read.

“Hurts so Good.”—Hobbes, the cat, started off with a typical year, sleep, eat, meow, eat, eat, plot world takeover, sleep; but a normal yearly trip to the vet brought us the news that she had feline diabetes. Not a fatal, or even painful, condition, but it meant her days of her and me sharing the ice cream spoon were over. It also meant we had to give her insulin shot twice a day. You’d think that she wouldn’t like it and run away, but she doesn’t. In fact, she will sometimes purr when we give her the shot. I hope that’s not a comment on how little attention she gets around here.

“A Comedy Tonight.”—So after several years, I auditioned for some community theater and got a part in the Thalian Association production of “Pillow Talk.” Some of you know that the world has not yet caught up with my sophisticated idea of “key” and “pitch” and “singing” so it was not a musical. It did wind up that there was a small part that I had to sing. The director forgot to ask if I could “sing” before she cast me. (not that it would have mattered. First rule of auditioning is always say “yes.” “Can you speak Russian? YES. Can you do a backflip? YES. Can you juggle chainsaws? HOW HIGH?”) So I wound up doing a “speak-sing.” For the theater people think Gregory Harrison in “My Fair Lady.” For the geeks think William Shatner in “Rocket Man.”

“Holiday Road”—We took a trip a trip North to Connecticut and New York City this summer. Ella got to go to the American Girl Store in NYC. While she was having tea and having her doll’s hair done, surrounded with pretty pinks and pastels, Gavin and I were doing boy stuff. Namely, looking at two-headed goats and the world’s tallest man at the Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museum. They also got to see “The Little Mermaid” on Broadway, and they both got a huge thrill out of riding in a cab without a booster seat.

“Tonight’s Gonna Be a Good Night.” Julie’s sister got married on Bald Head Island. She got to be a bridesmaid, Ella got to be a flower girl, and Gavin got to wear a bow tie. Hard to say who was happier.

“School’s Out for Summer.”—Julie had her 20 year high-school reunion. I got to see all her high school friends and amazingly, not a single one had the perm that all the girls had in their high school picture. (You kids out there consider that as a cautionary tale for tattoos. Once upon a time the big hair perm was as cool as the barbed-wire-around the bicep). I’m sure Julie had fun since she was the last to leave every function. Its been a long time since she saw an early morning from that end of the day.

“Harper Valley PTA”—Julie also volunteered to be the treasurer for the PTA. Unknown to her, this is a full time job. She’s got volumes of spreadsheets and checkbooks and receipts she pours over all the time. She’s decided that Sarah Palin got into politics because it was less work that the PTA. Vote for Julie in 2016!

“White Wedding.”--My cousin Doug got married in Texas and I flew down for the wedding. Everybody seemed to think it was a great match-up. So much so that people kept falling over each other to take credit for getting them together. At one point I swear the pitcher who started for the Astros on their first date at the ballpark stood up and tried to take credit. I had fun even though it was at an somewhat inconvenient time of the year for me. Let’s just say there was some basketball being played a long way away on the same weekend and leave it at that. (I’ll bet if the date conflicted with Texas spring football it would have been moved). I stayed with my Uncle Bill. It was fun but I don’t really have a joke here. He gave me grief last time I saw him in Texas that he didn’t make the Letter that year so I have to give him a shout out.

“Lets hear it for the Boy.” Gavin got to go to his first football game, which was, as he said, “awesome!” Carolina won, and, more importantly scored plenty of points so he saw plenty of fireworks. He likes doing the “Tar”…”Heels” chant, although he and Ella fight over who gets to be “Tar” and who gets to be “Heels.” However, I am a bit concerned he may switch allegiances after he saw an ECU cup that Julie had with PD the Pirate on it. “Mom! There are PIRATES at your school!” Good thing the school in Durham isn’t the Duke Blue Robots, or I’d be in real trouble.

Christmas Letter 2008

My friends1 like bad Nicholas Cage movies, half a string of broken lights, 25 year old elementary school art, and other barely tolerated Christmas traditions, comes the annual Coxe Christmas letter. For you youngsters, it’s like a Facebook page, only with one picture, no comment section, and content updated only once a year. For you old fogies, it’s just like the letters you remember only not chiseled in Granite.

Speaking of Facebook, it has become one of Julie’s hobbies this year. Not to be outdone, I retained my status as the head geek in the house my starting a legal blog2 and a Twitter account.

Julie took a much needed break this year and traveled to New Yawk to see her sister.3 Kristin (aka KK) is getting married reportable sometime before the end of the decade so dresses and such absolutely HAD to be CHOSEN right NOW! OHMYGODILOVETHATONE-NOICHANGEDMYMINDILOOKFAT! She saw an Off Broadway show while she was there, but don’t expect “South Pacific” folks. The show was Fuerzabruta and the video I saw looked like Circus Ole filming a Duran Duran video under a giant pool in Fire Island.

My scheduled outings fared not so well. I was set to fly to San Antonio for the 2008 Final Four but my flight was delayed and then canceled because of avian interference.4 The rest of Texas was sold out so I had to watch the games on TV. The only bright side was my “media blackout” after Carolina lost was easier in Wilmington than San Antonio. Luckily I was able, after only 4-5 hours on hold, to get credit for the ticket. I used that credit to get plane tickets to Charleston, South Carolina for a white-water rafting trip. Didn’t know there was white-water rafting in the Low County? Well, you are right. This was the 2nd year in a row that the travel agency didn’t understand that Charleston WV meant exactly that. So, after a few hours of that and some other mishaps, I got the tickets straightened out.5 Fast forward a few weeks to the weekend of the white-water rafting trip and Hurricane Hannah decides the time is right to visit Wrightsville Beach. So instead of a sunny Saturday playing in beautiful weather with clear water and crisp skies, I was cleaning hurricane debris out of my backyard. With another round of phone conferences with USAir, I now have another credit. Stay tuned to see how this works out.

The REALLY big family trip was a move from Myrtle Grove6 across town to Forest Hills. Julie decided to “just look” and eleven minutes later we were making an offer. Which is fine, but the next time I move it will be Ella into a dorm somewhere. We moved in May and it has been fun exploring our new house and new neighborhood. The hardwood trees we loved in the spring and summer we grew slightly less enamored of in the fall when the leaves began to fall…and fall…and fall…and they are still falling. When I reminded Julie that “our deal” at the time of marriage was I would only rake one day a year, she said “I have altered the deal…pray I do not alter it further.”7

Ella had a lot of non-raking activities to do. She started children’s choir, did cheerleading again8 and took a swim camp at UNCW.9 She won some kind of sweepstakes at school and got to be Principal (Asst.) for the Day where she rode in a limo with the other winners to Chick-Fil-A. Pretty fancy school where the Principal gets to tool around in a limo. I think she forgot the “For a Day” part as we got reports that she kept showing up in the office to help. Julie helped her put together a neighborhood food drive for the Good Shepard Center where she accepted canned goods for free lemonade.

Gavin went to a few camps in the summer and otherwise played the sidekick role to Ella. He also has decided, after watching the high school track team run through the neighborhood, that he likes to “jog.” His big event this year was a car ride up to Greensboro to see Playhouse Disney Live. Gavin so excited to see the “real” Mickey Mouse, I think he peed in his pants.10 Gavin and I also went to the Railroad Museum for a reading of the “Polar Express.” Everybody came in their pajamas and drank hot chocolate.11

My favorite event of the year was my 40th birthday party weekend where I had a bunch of old friends from places so far away they don’t have Chick-Fil-As or pork chop biscuits at Hardees. We played some cards and had a great time. I am so much funnier when I get to talk to people who haven’t heard all my jokes (lately).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Not e our new address, phone number and email. Come visit us anytime.12

Bradley, Julie, Ella, Gavin and Hobbes.
402 Forest Hills Dr.
Wilmington NC 28403
(910) 763-7109;;;

1Copyright 2008 “John McCain for President”

3technically a half-sister but she’s always looked whole to me

4My plane hit a bird

5That was actually not the last screw up but I don’t want to take up the whole letter. Suffice to say, if I got frequent flyer miles for all the trips they booked me on that were wrong, I’d own a plane by now.

6The appraisal value of my house in Sentry Oaks goes up 25% if I call the neighborhood “Myrtle Grove” instead of “Monkey Junction.”

7Well she didn’t really say that, but that quote from the 2nd best Star Wars movie ever summed up her feelings pretty adequately.

8She’s got the first half of a cartwheel down pat

9Where she learned that the ladder on the high dive is one way. Only way to get down is off the end in the pool.

10Not that that was much of a difference. He always peed in his pants. Read any book on potty training. We do it exactly the wrong way.

11Everybody under the age of eight…except one adult…who cares what they say, I was cozy…

12But bring a rake.

Christmas Letter 2007


Dear Family and Friends,

As December comes, and our families stop to celebrate Christmas (December 25), Chanukah (beginning December 5), or National Fruitcake Day (December 27), the joy and good fellowship of the season is rudely interrupted by this, your annual spam letter from the Coxe family. Unfortunately, due to the writer’s strike, this year the letter is not being written by your traditional scribe, but is being outsourced to several unemployed Howler Monkeys in Guatemala. (This actually may improve the quality somewhat as they have already gotten the word “Monkey” in this letter. 2nd rule of comedy, “Monkeys are always funny”).

Ella started 5 year old Kindergarten at her first “Big School.” She attends Gregory Elementary which is a public magnet school for math, science and technology. They also require uniforms. My libertarian instincts were somewhat anti-uniform at first, but then when Julie was away for ten days early in the year and I only successfully got her dressed each day after at least 5 discarded outfits, I became pro-uniform. Julie has been volunteering about once a week in Ella’s classroom and really likes it. She keeps mentioning some boy named Zach. I hope I’m not being traded in for a younger model.

Ella did a lot of dancing this year, with a ballet recital, tap and ballet lessons and her first school dance, a sock-hop in her four year old pre-school class. I wonder if she will let me hang around and video prom night as well? She “graduated” from that pre-school with a ceremony describing what she wanted to be when she grew up (which prompted the question to me “what do you want to be when you grow up Dad?” I told her I hadn’t figured it out yet, but she’d be the first to know). She decided she wanted to be a Dentist Mom because they fixed people’s teeth. I suspect the real reason is that the dentist has a “treasure chest” in his office. My suspicions were supported when later she decided to be a pirate for Halloween.

Ella got to go to both a North Carolina basketball game and a football game (against Duke) this year. I believe in letting the kids make their own choices so since I am pro-UNC and Julie roots for Duke, I told Ella it was up to her whether or not to root for Duke or Carolina. (However, I did point out that they shot off fireworks when Carolina scored, but not when Duke did).

However, Ella and Gavin’s favorite sport is neither football nor basketball but seems to be “Ninja Warrior Challenge.” For those of you who seldom venture into the 70s and 80s in the cable channel lineup, this is a game show that is a cross between “American Idol” and the old obstacle course from “Battle of the Network Stars.” And did I mention it comes from Japan? Ella frequently asks me to turn up the volume to hear the show, which is a reasonable request except THEY ARE ALL TALKING JAPANESE!

Gavin is going to a 1 year old pre-school two days a week for 3 hours a day. His class is just 4 boys so it’s like a little mini frat house going on. He turned one on January 11, and rumor has it he will turn two on January 11, 2008, but you’ll have to read next year’s letter to find out (we call that a “tease” in the Christmas-letter-writing biz). At his one year old birthday party, Ella and I gave him a little puppet show before she got a little diva and walked off the job. Crazy, temperamental Talent!

Gavin went from crawling to walking in a short period of time, and from walking to running in an even shorter period of time. He only slows down for a little ice cream after dinner, (or as we like to call it in our house “quiet time”). Our weather this year may cause him confusion in years to come as our Easter Eggs had frost on them in 29 degree weather, but as I write this in December, it is 70 degrees outside. He probably thinks we live in Australia (A notion helped by watching “The Wiggles” all the time. Folks with young kids, help other people out with the reference for me).

Julie took a long and exciting trip abroad this year. She was a little nervous and overwhelmed trying to navigate through a large, strange place, where all the signs and all the people talked in a foreign language, but eventually she got out of the Miami airport and made it to Argentina. She had a great time and ate the best steak of her life every day she was there. (Meanwhile in the US, fried Spam sandwiches didn’t go over so well). And, with efficient use of the Argentinean cows, she also came home with five pairs of leather shoes.

Working off some of that red meat, Julie is now taking tennis after talking about it for a number of years. She is finally putting into use the tennis racket I got for her 2001 Christmas gift, two weeks before morning sickness kicked in. She is doing very good, learning all the strokes; forehand, backhand, talk to the hand; learning how to serve; learning how to curse at a line judge (is it still relevant to make McEnroe jokes? How can you make a joke about Roger Federer?). The latter is especially impressive considering that her coach hasn’t gotten around to telling her the rules or how to keep score.

I took a long overdue trip to Vega$ this year where as far as Julie knows, I didn’t win anything. Speaking of steak dinners, some of the restaurants we ate in had steak from $75 to $250 dollars. Despite that, the only expense Julie questioned was the $45 to the “Star Trek Experience.” On a different trip, I got to go whitewater rafting where I drank most of the Lower Gauley river in West Virginia. I had not done any whitewater activities since high school and I was astonished to see that kayaks are now smaller than a size 10 running shoe.

That segues nicely into my 20 year high-school reunion, where defying the conventional wisdom, my entire class got BETTER looking. Maybe the girls would have looked this good 20 years ago without the big ‘80s hair, but I don’t know.

Hobbes the cat has had a mid-life crises and rearranged her entire life, going from eating and sleeping to the more modern sleeping and eating. How she can nap more than 24 hours in a single day is a question better left for Stephen Hawking.

Our newest member is Dot the fish, or as Hobbes likes to call her, “Emergency Rations.” Dot briefly had a roommate, “Red,” but Red had to uhhh….go live on a farm.

Ok, wrap this one up with a bow and stick a fork in it because we are done! Stay tuned for next year!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Bradley, Julie, Ella, Gavin, Hobbes, Dot

Christmas 2006 Letter

December 2006

Dear Family and Friends,

It is time once again for the annual tradition of summing up an entire year of our lives in a page of bad jokes. We have new sponsor and therefore the letter this year will be referred to as the “Home Depot/Coxe Christmas Letter.”

As many of you know, we had a new cast member join our crew this year. Gavin Andrew Coxe was born on January 11, 2006, a mere nine days early. Julie decided that she didn’t want to know the gender but I said I did. So the doctor wrote it down and we sealed it in an envelope. Julie then thought I knew what it was and kept trying to guess based on my reactions. Of course I hadn’t looked at it which made her efforts pretty funny to me. As for the birth, I barely made it. I was involved in one of those glamorous type lawsuits that John Grisham writes about. There I was, standing over an open sewer in Durham trying to decide if Matthew McConaughey or Tom Cruise would play me in the movie when I got the call that Julie was leaving Bald Head and having contractions. We both had a hard journey to the hospital as Julie was trying to drive, call somebody to take care of Ella when she went to the hospital, and time contractions. I on the other hand was driving home at 95mph trying to find a non-County radio station in Johnston County. So as soon as I walk in the hospital room, it’s Showtime! Just ignore that sewer smell honey and push. 20 minutes later with no drugs (not by choice), Gavin was here. Somehow Gavin was born despite my coaching efforts being ignored. Some people are just uncoachable.

Gavin is a pretty good baby, but he has some odd characteristics. Example: He has gotten four haircuts as of this writing, which I understand is unusual for any babies not of the werewolf persuasion. He was born on a full moon now that I think about it. Ella has adjusted very well and likes to help out with him. She is the one who gave him his current nickname (see below). She occasionally insists that she is “the Mommy.” Hobbes the Cat likes to lead him on a low speed chase around the house, staying just within grabbing range.

Ella completed 3 year old preschool and moved up to the 4 year old class with most of her school friends. We endured the stress of our first real parent/teacher conference. Apparently Ella wins the award for getting dirty the fastest. Getting bigger meant going from the car seat to the booster seat. The next move she makes in the car won’t be until she has her driver’s license (Shudder). I got to pick out the fabric for the booster seat after Julie claimed she didn’t care. So for my car, Ella got the “Fiesta” fabric. It is red, yellow and blue. It looks like Superman! Despite mine and Ella’s approval, as well as the lady in the take-out window at the Wendy’s, I am no longer allowed to pick out “fabric.” Somebody is a little concerned their area of expertise may be usurped.

In the summer, Ella took swim lessons in the summer and did good enough I predict Olympic gold in her future provided the IOC allows Disney Princess swim goggles. Presently, she is taking ballet lessons. All the girls in her class are learning all the moves and how to perform together. So far the closest they have been to the same page is when one wants to go to the bathroom in the middle of class, they all have to go.

We also took her and her cousin Leah to a special show in Fayetteville. What could be better than seeing the Disney Princesses? Try Disney Princesses…On Ice! What can’t be made better by seeing it on ice skates? Let’s try it. Star Trek…On Ice! Blueberry Pancakes…On Ice! Form 1040…On Ice! I think we’ve got something here. Anyway, Ella and Leah both dressed up in respective Princess outfits. Leah was the Little Mermaid. Ella was Snow White. (Not to be confused with the Halloween outfit which was Sleeping Beauty. Apparently she has home and away Princess uniforms). The show was a big hit. They were far from the only little girls with their mouths hanging open for two hours.

The whole family took a trip to Atlanta where the highlight was the new Aquarium. Ella’s favorite part of the Aquarium? A Hemingwayesque answer: “The fish.” Julie and I got to watch a Braves game on a blazing hot August night where the only thing not on fire was the Braves. We did enjoy the air conditioned concourse with the pasta and roast beef stations. Long way from the Carolina League.

Julie continued her regular poker night with her girlfriends. Occasionally they even play a hand between conversations. Some of the hands they play also don’t exactly show up in Hoyle’s Rules. At one point Julie thought a straight could be “wrapped” as in Queen, King, Ace, Two, Three. It is now an official house hand known as the “Julie straight.” I can’t wait to get her to Vega$ and see if she tries it.

The old bachelor pad condo was sold. I did some mighty fine batcholing in that place. Julie somehow got it cleaned and painted with new carpet, windows, and balcony pickets in about a week. After that it took about 2 months to sell. Julie held some open houses on the weekends which strangely enough sounded like her baking cookies and eating them at a card table with her friends. She’s lucky it wasn’t basketball season or I’d be over there all day with a TV for our “open house.”

Since the Tar Heels decided to take a break from the Final Four this year I got leave to go to see them play a football game at Notre Dame. This game was as cold as the Braves game was hot. (This is your cue to say “How Cold Was It!?!”). It was so cold we gave the other team the mitten. I stayed in Chicago and even hung out with some friends that I had met playing online computer games. My first Internet liaison! Julie’s comment on seeing our group picture was, “They look kinda normal.” She sounded a little disappointed. I suppose her expectations were raised by the “Weridos on the Internet” episode of Oprah.

Julie is now part-part-time at Bald Head Island. She resigned to stay home for a while with the kids but then they asked her to continue to help them with an interior design project. Just when she thought she was out; they pulled her back in!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Bradley “Pirate Dad” Coxe
Julie “Editor in Chief” Coxe
Ella Katherine “El-Kat” Coxe
Gavin Andrew “The Hedgehog” Coxe
Hobbes “Far Too Cool For a Nickname” Coxe

Special thanks to:
Child Care Provider: A. Hugh Nokitov
Children’s Menu Advisor: Bea Ferrone
Cleanliness Inspector: Adolph Deflor
Russian Chauffeur: Picov Andropov
Barber: Buzz Wazletlov
Cat Feeder: Ken Opener
Typist: Diana Boredom
Soloists: Kerry Oki, Victor Yugo
Senior Ornithologist: Seymour Robbins
In-house Literary Critic: Al Ligori
Music Conductor: Juan Anatu
Christmas Coordinator: Carole Ling
Starting Point Guard: Justin D. Net
Pizza Chef: Ann Chovie
Criminal Defense Attorney: Gil T. Azell
Julie’s Ebay advisors: Lois Bidder and Selma Junkoff
Secret Santa Shopper: Donatello Nobatti
Jamaican Document Security Expert: Euripedes Upmann
Speech Writer (formerly employed by President Clinton): I. Justin Hale
Driving Instructor: Vera Bruptly
Julie’s Poker Instructor: Althea Andrasia

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas 2005

December 2005

Dear Family and Friends,

Ok, rather than go month to month (cause let’s face it, a year is 12 months, and what the heck ever happens in February anyway?) I’m going to organize this year’s letter by movie quotes. See if you can figure out which movie all the quotes come from. Keep count and we’ll give you your score at the end of the letter.

Phil: Do you ever have deja vu Mrs. Lancaster?
Mrs. Lancaster: I don't think so, but I could check with the kitchen.

One of the things that was done repeatedly in our house, over and over and over again, was a rousing game of Candyland. Easy to learn, but difficult to master is Candyland. A piece of advice, if you play at our house against Ella, don’t put money on the game.

Shooter: We're gonna run the picket fence at 'em. ... Merle should be open swinging around the end of that fence. Boys, don't get caught watching the paint dry!

Lots of sports doings this year. The highlight of this year was when Carolina won the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament, and I was there. This year’s victory occurred in St. Louis, which was a terrific host city. I was a little concerned when they ran out of beer Saturday night. Keep in mind they MAKE Budweiser 7 blocks from downtown. You’d think there would be some member of the Busch family out there with a key to the vats.

Ella attended her first big sporting event when we took her to a football game in Chapel Hill in October. The occasion was my Law School reunion so she was brought to show off and inhale the Chapel Hill atmosphere. She truly is a Carolina football fan, enjoying the pom-poms, shouting, cheers, people and the spectacle while glancing at the action on the football field from time to time. I think I even heard her ask “when’s Basketball?” She was enjoying herself so much that Julie said she would try to mentally prepare herself for Ella going to Carolina. I told if she did that I would try to financially prepare myself for her going to Duke.

Ella’s own sporting events were limited to kicking the soccer ball in the yard and shooting baskets in the driveway. She also attended a gymnastics class where she learned how to tumble and jump and walk on the balance beam.

Diane: I'd love to go with you, but I've got a class right now.
Thornton Melon: Well, why don't you come and see me some time when you have no class.

On the educational front, Ella attends pre-school three times a week at Winter Park Presbyterian School in a three-year old class. This year we went from crying and holding on to Mom and Dad at the drop off to zipping in without a kiss in only about a week. I expect soon we will have to drop her off around the corner so we don’t “embarrass” her.

Julie also went Back to School to get her Real Estate License. She studied every night and had classes all weekend for 4.5 weeks. When she took the state exam, I offered my retired, lucky Black Warrior pencil (used in every standardized test since the PSAT back in Jr. High) but the test is taken on the computer now. So 5 minutes after she finished the exam, she found out she passed.

Michael Bolton: You haven't even been showing up for work, and you got to keep your job.
Peter Gibbons: Actually I'm being promoted.

Despite her success in the Real Estate course, Julie is happy working at Bald Head 3 days a week (unless somebody reading this can give her a raise, if which case she is out the door unless we get some more cash, or at least a lock on the office door). In June I left the firm I had been with and started a new firm, Hodges & Coxe, P.C. with a Wes Hodges, a friend from undergrad. We are doing civil litigation, things. I really enjoy it practicing law in this environment and being the one to call the shots. So the next time you curse The Man, remember he is me!

Major Strasser: Are you one of those people who cannot imagine the Germans in their beloved Paris?
Rick: It's not particularly my beloved Paris.

Major Strasser: How about New York?
Rick: Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade.

We took a few family trips this year. We went to the N.C. Zoo in Asheboro in May. It is a fabulous zoo with three “continents” Africa, North America, and Australia. Ella liked the otters, (“Splash!”), the giraffes, flamingos, and the zebras, but her favorites were…the fish. For that, I could have (and frequently do) take her 15 miles away to the Fort Fisher Aquarium and not 3.5 hours to Ashboro.

Back in the summer, we went to Virginia for Julie’s grandfather’s 100th birthday. He is still a spry and sharp retired doctor and I think he enjoyed the attention. Hey the President even sent him a birthday card!

Lex: He is but one, while you are three!
[Non growls menacingly]
Lex: Four, if you count him twice.

Our big news is that we are having another baby, due January 20. The gender of the baby is in a note in a sealed envelope in my office desk. I cannot confirm or deny that I have opened and read said note. Ella enjoys the concept of being a big sister and even has her own “Big Sister Class” about it from Julie’s doctor. We’ll see how well concept looks like reality next year.

Maria: [singing] Silver white winters that melt into springs, these are a few of my favorite things

Ella enjoys music and singing and keeps us entertained constantly with her songs. She likes all the classic children’s songs, “Itsy, bitsy Spider,” “London Bridge,” “The Grand Old Duke from York,” (which I began to explain to her was about the failed Flanders campaign by the Duke of York in the late 18th century, until Julie told me to hush).

Putting her tumbling lessons, and my free weekend with her while Julie was at the Grove Park to good use, I decided to teach her some more of the classics. Ella now enjoys singing and dancing to the musical styling of The Blues Brothers. Her favorite is Ray Charles and “Shake Your Tailfeather.” Somehow she instinctively knew how to do “the mashed Potato.” Julie thinks she is funny doing the dances, but I am funnier doing them with her.

Charlie Brown: I got a rock.

We had some fun holiday times this year. Last year for Christmas, Ella got the aforementioned basketball hoop, a chalkboard easel, table and chairs and many other goodies, despite being too shy to sit on Santa’s lap. This year, she screwed up her courage and went right to him, so she should really rake it in this year. (I also snuck a peak at the naughty and nice list. She was on the bubble this year, but I think she’ll come out ok). For Halloween this year she was a ballerina. She got the concept of Trick or Treating after about the first two houses and then it was hard to get her off the street. We still have Halloween candy on top of our refrigerator.

Ok, if you are scoring at home, the quotes above came from the following movies and shows in order: Groundhog Day, Hoosiers, Back to School, Office Space, Casablanca, Superman II, The Sound of Music and It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. If you got them all correct, I will share my $500 million Nigerian inheritance with you. Just send me $10,000 so I can process the paperwork and I’ll give you $250 million!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Bradley, Julie, Ella, and Hobbes (the cat).